Extra Metadata Tab


Select the appropriate Genre or Form of the archived material from the drop-down list. This field is only used for audio-visual items.

Time start, Time end, Duration

These fields are designed to record the starting and ending positions (time codes) of a video or audio material. The format: hh:mm:ss.

Physical condition

Free text field. Use this field to indicate the condition of the unit of archival description, especially that which impedes access (e.g. Illegibility, state, lacuna, or missing parts). May also include information on technical requirements for access. Examples: Film is beginning to decay using vinegar syndrome. Must be digitized as soon as possible.

Physical description

Free text field. Textual description of the physical form and qualities of the source item; its components, as well as techniques or materials used in production. For AV material this may include framerate which accompanies the extent, sound, aspect ratio, and color. For Still Images, this may include size.

Physical description - Original Language

The field should contain the translation of the Physical description field in the original (non-English) language. Read more on Languages and Multilingualism.


Select the languages of the content of the unit of archival description from the controlled list. The Select Language Usage drop-down is used to indicate how the language is used. Read more on Languages and Multilingualism.

Language statement

Free text field. Use this section to give supporting information about the languages listed in the ‘Languages’ field. This field may also be used to specify the distinct use of multiple languages in the items, the nature of the language spoken in a film, or the language content in a visual item. Example: The film is dubbed in Hungarian and with English subtitles.

Language statement - Original Language

The field should contain the translation of the Language statement field in the original language. Read more on Languages and Multilingualism.


Integer field. Purpose: To record the number of subunits/pages contained by the archival unit being described. Rule: Use only an integer value. Example: 5 pages/items/documents.

Written by Leposa Balázs on Monday October 12, 2020 - updated on Friday March 3, 2023