Input the name of the corporation.
Other URL
The URL address of the corporation can be described if exists.
Other Forms of Name
See Identity Tab (ISAAR_CPF)
Standard Reference: ISAAR 5.1.5 Format: Free text. Purpose: To indicate any other name(s) for the corporate body, person, or family not used elsewhere in the Identity Area.Rule: Record other names by which the entity may be known, such as a) other forms of the same name, e.g. acronyms; b) other names of corporate bodies, for example, changes of name over time and their dates; c) other names of persons or families, for example, changes of name over time with their dates including pseudonyms, maiden names, etc; d) names and prenominal and postnominal titles of persons and families, e.g. titles of nobility, or titles of honor held by the individual or family. Example: Open Society Foundation 1993 - 1996
Authority Link (VIAF)
Search for the corporation name in the Virtual International Authority File, in order to connect OSA's database with the international standards. And select
Wikipedia Link
Search for the corresponding article in Wikipedia in order to connect OSA's database with Wikipedia.