Create New Fonds

After clicking the New Fonds button on the Archival Unit module the following form appears:

This form aims to facilitate entering basic information on the archival Fonds, the top level of the archival hierarchy. The following fields are used to introduce data on this archival unit:

The Fields of New Fonds Records

Fonds [Mandatory]

This number will be associated with the entire collection throughout the archival workflow from accessioning to publication and reference use. The Fonds identifier is an arbitrary integer with the stipulation of being unique among the collections of the archives.


This text field is maintained for the English title of the archival fonds. The title is formulated in compliance with the rules of the AMS Metadata Style Guide.


If the collection contains records generated or accumulated by an organization, this text field is maintained for entering the acronym of its name.

Original Title

This text field contains the title of the fonds in the original (non-English) language if the collection has been decided to have a bilingual description. Read more on Languages and Multilingualism.

Original Locale

Drop-down list to choose the language of non-English description. Read more on Languages and Multilingualism.


A limited list of possible topics to be associated with the collection. This list has been compiled in compliance with the collection development policy of the archives so it contains three categories: Civil society, Communism & Cold War, and Human Rights. More than one of these categories may be associated with the archival fonds.

By clicking the Submit button the data on the newly created archival fond will be saved.

Written by Leposa Balázs on Thursday September 24, 2020 - updated on Friday February 17, 2023